Please Write your Last name/family name
Please Write your First name/religious name
Please Select your Country of Citizenship
Please Select Sector (Current Residence)
Please write your Identification No. (ID)
Please Select your Gender
Please write your Mother or female guardian's full name
Please write your Father or male guardian's name
Please select your Marital status
Please select your Country of residence
Please write your Phone number
Please write your Alternative/secondary phone number
Please write your Active email address
Please enter your valid Email
Please write your Mother, guardian, spouse or friend's active phone number
Please write your Father or guardian, spouse or friend's active phone number
Please write your Parents or guardian's email address
Please enter your valid Parents or guardian's email address
Please select Country you completed your secondary/high school
Please write District you completed your secondary school
Please write The name of the school where you completed secondary/high school
Please select secondary/ high school certificate awarding institution
Please write Combination/option you attended at secondary/ high school
Please select year you graduated from secondary school
Please write your National Examination results in percentage
Please write your senior four grades
Please write your senior five grades
Please write your senior six grades
Please write The name of camp/urban area you are living in
Please select the year of the Iteme program offered by Kepler
Please write the Iteme site name
Please write the disability name
Please select How did you learn about Kepler
Please select if you applied to Kepler before
Please select the campus
Please select the department
Please select the Session/Mode
Please select your payment modality
Please upload a copy of your S4 report
Please upload a copy of your S5 report
Please upload a copy of your S6 report
Please upload your high school certificate or Result slip
Please upload your National ID, passport or proof of registration